Banshee Renewed for a Third Season

Do you love to see intimidating Amish mobsters dump cow viscera into hot tubs?  Or policewomen beating their ex-husbands to the brink of death with a Bible?  Or perhaps you’re more of an old-fashioned gal and just appreciate the simple pleasures of snarky cross-dressing computer hackers blowing up hair salons? If you answered yes to one or all three of these questions (and let’s be honest, you answered yes to all three of these questions because obviously), then you’ll be delighted by Cinemax’s recent announcement that Banshee has been renewed for a third season!

I, for one, find this news incredible, as Banshee is one of the most entertaining shows on television.  Also, unbelievably epic fight scenes!  I’m pretty sure the average run-time of a Banshee fight sequence is longer than a round of “Double Jeopardy” and usually more violent depending on Alex Trebeck’s mood.  Regardless, television became a manlier, more-testosterone fueled medium today; I look forward to the further exploits of Lucas Hood, the best fake sheriff/real criminal in all of the land!

Do yourself a favor and check out this show if you haven’t already.  It’s a blast, and it looks like it’s sticking around for awhile!

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